chungxuan “@portos724: @chungxuan 아니요~”ㅡㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ선배님 오늘은 어떤 맛있는 음식을요리해주실꺼에여?~? 은근 궁금해지는 썬배님 음식트윗
Translation: “@portos724: @chungxuan No~”ㅡKekekekekeke! Sunbaenim, what delicious food are you cooking today?~? Quietly curious about sunbaenim’s food tweet
chungxuan 잘지내고있습니다. 잘지내고있나요 모두?
Translation: I’m doing well. How about everyone?

chungxuan 침대위이불을 개고 오늘은 건방진 곰인형 컨셉
Translation: Folded the blanket on the bed, an arrogant teddy bear concept today
عروسکش نازه
چرا موهای کره ای ها همه اینطوریه؟؟/
muhash khoshele keeeeeeeeeee
muhaye hamashun intori nistaaaaaaaa
یاد مستر بین افتادم
ههه رها راس می گه منم یاد مستر بین افتادم
oppa seungsari e man bamaze tare